Everyday Projects

Case studies are great, but many of our sharpest ideas and favorite projects happen in the routine challenges we tackle every day. Here's a look at the many things we can do.

Forest Data Network

Blog feature photos fdn request report

Request a Sample Report

With a new data product for those buying and selling timber, FDN wanted to showcase an example pricing report and gather important lead information.

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Hardcraft Industries

Johnson Industries International

World Cheese Championships Awards Page

Customer Awards Showcase

When your best customers are dominating the food processing industry using your equipment, it pays to show off a little – for the both of you.

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Johnson Industries Navigation Example

Main Navigation Slide-Out

As part of a complete website redesign, Astuteo built a slide-out navigation panel. After all, everyone in Wisconsin needs an impressive cheese drawer.

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Digital Data Sheet Redesign

Digital Datasheet Design

A flagship website redesign often leads to the creation of new visuals that need to be adapted to other marketing materials, like sales flyers and Powerpoint presentations.

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Palmer Johnson Power Systems

Primex Wireless

Standard Imaging

TLX Technologies

Blog feature photos tlx logo

TLX Logo Redesign

Thin line weights and an inseparable type and graphic lockup, made the TLX logo difficult to use. We helped evolve the brand for the better.

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TTEC Digital